Goodbye 2019-20 School Year

Dear Kindergartners, 
You will probably never see this letter, but I wish I could put it in a time capsule and save it for you when you are older and can better understand the significance of this year you just completed. 9 months ago you walked into this place called “Kindergarten.” Many of you were scared. Some of you cried and didn’t want to stay. Yet, you stayed. I held your hand while you said goodbye to your family and let you sit next to me on the carpet while you were sad. We read a story together and played a game to learn everyone’s name.
In our time together, you learned what it meant to sit in a circle, walk in a line, hold a pencil, use scissors, zip up your coat, and be part of a group. You learned how to read, became mathematicians, scientists, inquirers, and more. You learned what it meant to be a friend. You played with others, took turns, worked through problems, and practiced patience.
You smiled, laughed, and sometimes cried. Not all of our days were easy, but most of our days were filled with learning, excitement, and happiness. You gave me lots of hugs and high fives, and still called me “Teacher” no matter how many times I told you my name.
Fast forward 9 months and many of you are losing teeth! Some of you are 6 years old now and all of you are nearly 1st graders. Time has seemed to fly by and while I am excited for summer, I sometimes wish for time to slow down just a bit so we could have a little more time together. Yet, I know you are ready to go. Our time together is complete. Before you go, please remember that I believe in you and know you are capable of great things.
I know that much of this year will fade from your memories with the passage of time. Some of this year will perhaps fade from my memory as well.  I hope that you smile and remember that Once Upon a Time, you were 5 and Once Upon a Time, I was your kindergarten teacher.
Your Kindergarten Teacher, 
Mrs. Hoy


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